Twitter, Transformed By Its Very Users

To get a better idea of how people use Twitter, it’s important to examine the types of users and accounts the platform hosts.

Students and a marketing expert weigh in on the true nature of Twitter.  Though coming from different areas, all agreed that Twitter can often times feel overwhelming or underwhelming, depending on the type of content they keep up with.  Twitter users range from individuals going about their daily lives, to companies needing to represent themselves on a social media platform in order to directly interact with their followers and customers.

Maddie Sligh, 20, a junior at the University of Denver, says that while she is not an avid user, she will sometimes turn to Twitter to stay on top of the news.  “I just go on Twitter to follow other people, not to generate my own tweets.  I go on to get a variety of different articles, Twitter does a good job at exposing you to a wide array of sources.”  Maddie also reflects on whether Twitter has yet to take off.

I think it’s already hit its prime…it’s becoming obsolete because there are other apps that do more socially.  It’s used for marketing a lot of the times and that can get kind of annoying.”

Maddie thinks of Twitter as having “become really niche,” and goes on to explain that “it’s being used for different things than what it was once intended for.”

Mason,  21, also a junior at DU, is in the same boat as Maddie.  He originally got Twitter in High School to use it comedically (by following parody accounts and tweeting out witty comments relating to popular culture) and socially, but now he says that it has evolved to be less about self expression for him.  He credits this to the fact that his friends at DU don’t have it so he doesn’t feel like he needs it in order to stay connected.  Mason also touches on the immediacty of Twitter,

“If there’s something that is happening right now, I would go on twitter to look at live tweets for a certain thing.  Say, if theres a shooting in progress and theres a hashtag associated with that, I’d search the hashtag in real time.”

Twitter has made the transition from being a social site to being an immediate update/newsworthy site.  Mason feels that this transition is overall really beneficial and with the help of this newfound purpose discovered by Twitter’s users, “It’s like Twitter is finally coming into its own.”

Twitter went live on March 21st in 2006, but it has come a long way since then.  Doctor Theresa Connley, a Marketing professor at DU, feels strongly about Twitter’s evoltuion from a social media site to being more of a marketing and news platform.

“Twitter is now being used by people and companies, which is the most amazing evolution.  People have evolved it to be an important aspect in our lives, especially when it comes to political activism and emergency updates.”

She went on to reference how using Twitter helped her stay updated on current trends during her startup business days. Dr. Connley thinks that while Twitter can be utilized effectively by a business, it doesn’t always mean they should have one. “You need to really know what you’re doing and know what you’re good at and have that authentic connection with  your consumers.”  Tn this day and age companies think they need to be on every social media site, but that isn’t always effective.  According to Connley, it’s crucial for a company to think about their target market and what their needs are first.

Depending on the accounts you keep up with, the user ultimately determines what ends up on their newsfeed.  This personalization of the newsfeed is Twitter’s biggest strength.

When it comes to social media, Twitter is it’s own kind of evolving beast-in the shape of a bird.  What it all comes down to is the user, and how they decide to use it as a tool.  Let the evolution continue. 

Twitter + News #DUreporters

Twitter can be a cluttered social media site, often times you may find yourself having to sift through your newsfeed (depending on what types of accounts you follow), to uncover the good stuff.  Regardless, Twitter has revolutionized how and when we get our news, and the way we interact with it.  Twitter grants us access to breaking stories and keeps us updated in a matter of seconds.  I have found Twitter to be extremely helpful when it comes to keeping up with the news.  The news articles that I focused on the most were the ones that were the most relevant to my interests and the ones that I like to keep up with.  Here are some current events that have made their way onto my Twitter newsfeed lately.

Social Issues

Gun Control

On Tuesday January 5th, President Obama gave an emotional speech in the White House that pushed for better gun control practices.

Unfortunately, gun control and gun violence have been pushed to the forefront of our concerns.  Like most people staying tuned into current events, gun control/gun violence is something I make sure to keep up with. This specific video is a mash up of some of Obama’s speeches about gun violence and gun control.


Mr. Kalin, founder of Party With Consent, speaks to Trinity College students in Hartford about sexual consent and its importance.

I’m a female student, so naturally issues surrounding consent, sexual assault, and rape, are incredibly important to me.  When a New York Times article discussing consent on campus came across my newsfeed it took me a whole .2 seconds to look into it. This article goes into detail talking about how college campuses should approach teaching consent properly so that less sexual assaults occur.

LGBT Rights

Having only released its ban on gay employees 25 years ago, MI5 is now at the top of Stonewall’s list of gay friendly employers.

I feel very passionately about LGBT and human rights, and am ecstatic when any step forward is made concerning these subjects. I recently learned from The Guardian that MI5 (the British Security Service) is one of the most gay-friendly employers. MI5 has made a huge step towards supporting LGBT employees and is setting a wonderful example in the workplace.




Glenn Frey, the Eagles co-founder and guitarist, died Monday the 18th of January at age 67.

I, along with many other people, consider Hotel California to be one of my all time favorite songs.  It is arguably the most famous Eagles song, and it’s what got me interested in the Eagles at age 15.  I’ve heard it on the radio in almost every country I’ve visited and I’ve never met one person who hasn’t heard of it.  I was very upset to find out from Slate that Glenn Frey, the guitarist and co-founder of the Eagles, passed away this Monday January 18th.  The world lost an incredibly important and talented person.



American Progress?

This article from the New York Times makes you think twice about the ever progressing age we think we live in.  It takes the reader back 50 and then 100 years from where we are now and asks us whether or not our technological progress has slowed for good, and whether or not our best years really are behind us.

 Medical Advances

Researchers are testing a new and less invasive way to monitor the brain after an injury.

This article about a tiny dissolving chip that can monitor your brain activity caught my eye.  It’s in its early stages of testing, so it isn’t available for humans yet, but essentially this tiny chip would be able to monitor intracranial pressure and temperature.  The chip monitors and sends this information wirelessly to a computer for monitoring. This technological advance would be hugely helpful when it comes to patients who have experienced brain trauma. Eventually, the chip dissolves within your body and you’re good to go.  Also, the whole thing is only the size of a grain of rice.  Pretty insane, right?



Starting on Friday, the East Coast has been experiencing a snow storm that is causing power outages, road blockage, and the temporary closing of airports.  People are being warned to stay inside, states are declaring it a state of emergency.

It seems like back home in Connecticut we are always getting hit with some type of storm at this time of the year, whether it be a snow storm, a hurricane, or a nor’easter.  That explains why when this particular tweet drifted across my  Twitter newsfeed, I wasn’t all that surprised.  This article’s focus was on the storm that the East Coast is expecting to get hit with and predicts how bad it will be.  Since I retweeted this tweet, the storm has started already. So far Georgia, Tennessee, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Kentucky, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Virginia and West Virginia have been hit as well as Washington D.C.  Most of these states have declared states of emergency.  We were having such a warm winter before this, I knew it was too good to be true.






DU week 1

It’s been a real whirlwind since getting back to Denver.  Between getting boxes from storage, moving in, buying books, scrounging through craigslist to find cheap furniture (ad begging my roommates to borrow their cars to pick up said furniture), doing homework, catching up with friends, painting my room-it’s a lot to handle. However, being at DU is refreshing after being abroad for so long and then having winter break.  I’ve thrown myself into school and have recently finished an interesting scavenger hunt, check out my adventures.

Favorite Drinks Place

Being away from DU for almost half a year made me aware of all the things I take for granted, which is why I headed straight to Pablo’s Coffee.

Whether you are an avid coffee drinker or only drink occasionally, this is a place to check out.

Student on the street

I got the chance to chat with my friend Dani Koelling, a Junior at the University of Denver, about what she was looking forward to this winter quarter!  Off the video Dani told me she’s also excited for Winter Carnival and to put her epic local pass to good use.

Finishing up the core requirements is definitely something to be excited for, go Dani.  The transition from living in a dorm to a house is also understandably exciting.

Teacher on the street

Social media continues to dominate the world we live in.  I decided to ask Dr. Charlotte Quinney, my American Literature Survey II teacher, what role she thought it plays in our lives. Her response surprised me as I’m so used to people discussing the negative aspects of technology, especially social media.

Dr. Quinney understands that social media isn’t as evil as some may think, though it would be interesting to ask her what she thinks the negative aspects of social media are.

Scenic Spot

Though I wouldn’t admit it to my parents, one of the deciding factors in which school I went to was whether or not the campus was pretty.  Would I enjoy walking to my classes?  Would I want to hang out outside?  Would the trees turn different colors?  Were the buildings full of character/charming? -Things the East Coast spoiled me with. The answer is yes.

When I visited DU I knew almost immediately that it checked yes on all of those questions.  The campus was incredibly scenic.  The layout, the green spaces, that it was an arboretum, the style of the buildings, the view of the white capped mountains, it made walking to class easy.  Every season here on campus is gorgeous and full of life.  Here’s a shot of one of my favorite buildings on campus, the Mary Reed Building.

Another thing I love about Denver in general is the sunshine, even in winter.

Winter Fun

Anyone who was unlucky enough to be around me for the last couple months knows how much I had been craving Jelly, specifically the salmon eggs benedict.

Who doesn’t love a great brunch?

Not quite sure how I was able to refrain from eating this long enough to take a picture. Of course the meal did not disappoint!  This brunch was made even better because we had to trek through the snow for it (a whole 5 minutes), we really had to work for it, and because it was mine and all of my roommates first time out together. We were also joined by one of our best friends visiting  from out of town.


As part of this scavenger hunt we had to go around campus and try to uncover an interesting fact. There are many things around DU’s campus that are a mystery to me, this building was one of them.  I decided to go check it out and find out a little bit more about this building.

Feels good to finally know a little background about a seemingly meaningless but charming  bell tower.  Interesting gift choice class of 1992.

Academic Excellence 

The Anderson Academic Commons was completed in 2013, the year I graduated High School and came to DU.  The University of Denver takes academic excellence very seriously.  Our new library and its vast amount of resources and tech labs do a great job of demonstrating the school and the student body’s priorities.

Though I never knew what the library before it was like, I’ve heard from older students and faculty that it is a stellar improvement and a wonderful resource for learning.

Fanatic Fans

With last years Men’s lacrosse win, it’s no wonder students are gearing up for a good upcoming season! Lacrosse is helping to put DU on the map nationally, and is pushing other D1 schools to take us seriously.

I’m also really excited for this upcoming spring, lacrosse is one of our school’s most popular sports and it’s great to see everyone come together to cheer on our wonderful mens and woman’s lacrosse teams. Also the weather and the time spent outside is key.

School/Community Spirit

Wear your heart on your sleeve.  Nothing says DU spirit like some good ole University of Denver T Shirts.

Olivia and Claire exude school pride!

Extracurricular Extravaganza

There are SO many different extracurriculars to be a part of.  I’m part of one of the sororities on campus, Chi Omega, and in under 3 years I’ve experienced being a part of the Undergraduate Women’s Council, intramural volleyball, club field hockey, the DU Cooking Club, and am the Chi Omega representative on the Undergraduate Spirit and Traditions Committee.  There are so many ways to be involved here on campus. Get out there! Find what works for you!

Timmy, a Bio major, finds time to enjoy his hobbies and take a break from his studies by playing various intramural sports.  A great way to make friends and do what you love in a fun and relaxed environment!


As part of this project we also had to engage with our fellow classmates.

I love this specific tweet from my classmate Olivia, it reminded me that I need to make my way to an Alpine Club meeting soon.

This photo, taken by Corin, is absolutely stunning.  I loved that you could see the snow falling, this really puts me in the wintery mood and reminds me of how gorgeous our campus is, especially in the snow.

Chris posted a great tweet that reminded me of DU’s radio station KXDU.  I really want to look into this more after seeing it on my newsfeed!


Gabby posted this really interesting quote of Dr. George Potts, a DU psychology teacher, answering the question “What role does social media play in our society today?”  His answer made me look at social media in a different way, as cliche as it sounds.  It’s a simple answer, but it hits home.

“Social media makes it so that nothing is a secret anymore.”

Chris posted a fantastic fact about our Chapel’s stained glass window.

You can never do wrong with a post about yummy food, craving a fruit bowl!

I can’t believe I still haven’t been to Little Man Ice-cream.  I’ve been meaning to go since my freshman year. Seeing Paige’s post has pushed me to get there this weekend.  Little Man Ice-cream, here I come!

I loved seeing a video of an alumni getting into DU sports and voicing his predictions for this upcoming season.  Great post by Melody, loved the video!